Who knew a bra could cause such a lack of self-esteem? It’s not like it’s your favorite pair of jeans that suddenly feel snug or shrunk in the dryer or got a stain on them and they just don’t feel right all of a sudden. It’s a bra. Worn UNDER clothing. Who cares?

See the “boob pooch” showing through the shirt? This happened ALL THE TIME wearing the wrong size bra. I was very self conscious of this and how it looked.
But it was driving me NUTS! I would get so frustrated, late in the day especially. Sick and tire of tucking my engorged breasts back into their little pockets. Aggravated by the “boob pooch” that seemed to be so apparent no matter what shirt I wore. Couple this with learning how to get my baby in the new sling, adjusting my shirt, and then having to adjust my boobs so they felt right. It was just too much for this postpartum mama. Tears streamed down my face. Tired, frustrated, worn out, feeling depressed because of my ill-fitting bra.
So finally I had sometime to go get properly fitted. I went over to the Mission Breastfeeding Boutique and talked to Terry.
“I need to get a bra that fits. This one clearly isn’t the right size. It depresses me.”
“I know,” she said.
She knew? How did she know? She said she knew from the first time I was in there coping with John’s lip and tongue-tie.
Terry measured me and pulled a few bras for me to try on.
I was six (6) SIX cups TOO SMALL! I had been wearing a 38 D/E (DD). I walked out with two size 38 I bras. I. The letter between H and J! WOW! What a difference.
Mamas, do yourself a favor and get fitted for your nursing bras. Get fitted and buy well. You will wear this bra EVERYDAY for the length of your nursing relationship. It may be for 30 days or 90 days or 365+ days. It’s is worth it YOU are worth it to buy well.
Additionally, a properly fitting nursing bra is good for your breast health. Wearing a bra that fits will assure your breast doesn’t get compressed, pinched, or restricted in any way that could cause mastitis.
Just so you REALLY get the point I had my friend, Destinee, of Destinee Blau Photography take some pictures in both of my bras so you can SEE what a difference a well-fitting bra makes.

See how my breasts are spilling out on top? And how the bra fits around the side and under my arm? This is a poor fit.

Ill fitting bra from a different angle. There is a slight gap in the cup at the top where the strap meets the cup. And although you can’t see it here – the cups are a bit compressed causing a sort of fold across the breast.

Properly fitted bra. All the breast tissue is contained in the cup, there is no gap where the strap meets the cup and the bra fits correctly around the torso and under the arm. The tabs at the top of the cup help you to grab the cup after nursing and get it reattached to the hook on the strap.

Notice how smooth everything looks under the shirt with a properly fitted bra?