Babywearing 101


Babywearing Classes

Join us & discover the benefits, methods, beauty, and simplicity of babywearing.

Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to navigate the quantity and variety of carrying options on your own?

Being a caregiver of babies and young children is tough work! We know you have a lot on your plate. We are here to make carrying your child one less thing to worry about.

Whether you are an expecting parent, an experienced wrapper, or simply curious about baby carriers, our class is here to help! We can help you find a practical babywearing solution that maximizes comfort and safety for both wearer and child.

Whether you’re looking to simply get those dishes done, head out on a hike with your little one, or have fallen down the rabbit hole of woven wrap carries, our educators are here to support you at every stage of your journey.

We work to make babywearing accessible for all caregivers by providing guidance, resources, and a welcoming community. As always we offer equity seats for those who identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color so please email for coupon code for a 100% discount.


In these classes, you’ll learn:

  • Skills you need to feel comfortable using wraps and carriers

  • Finding the best wrap for your body

  • How to protect your back

  • The various techniques to set up back carrying

  • Skills you need to feel comfortable using a back carrier

  • About the variety of wraps

  • Finding the best wrap for your body

  • The various techniques to use the wraps

  • Skills you need to feel comfortable using a stretchy wrap

  • Using structured carriers for older babies
  • Hip carrying an older baby and toddler
  • Newborn carrying safety
  • Belly wrapping while pregnant

Upcoming dates and Themes:

  • July 1st – Everything Ring Sling
  • August 5th –  Stretchy Wraps for Newborns 
  • September 2nd – Back Carrying Basics

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at 828-470-0654 or

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