Dear Doulas and Team,
Since pregnancy and childbirth I have noticed more GI issues such as gas, stomach cramps, and constipation, and not just occasionally. I feel like I had these issues prior to having my son but actually realized it and paid more attention to it as I began connecting more with my body during pregnancy. I recently started a daily probiotic and seeing my chiropractor regularly again but am wondering about a gentle detox. I’ve never done a detox before. I eat a vegetarian diet with little processed foods and dairy. I am still breastfeeding my 15-month old. Any recommendations for a gentle detox for the nursing mother or added supplements for better GI health?
The Gassy Milk Maid
Dear Gassy Milk Maid,
We feel you. Through pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period our bodies change enormously! Here are a few tips to guide you in healing your gut and digestive system…
Healing Foods and Rituals
- Start your morning sipping hot water. Staying well hydrated is key. This practice helps reset digestion and cleanse toxins.
- A good quality probiotic
supplement can be extremely helpful.
- Acupuncture. At Homegrown Families Health and Education Center (201 Charlotte Street), Kerry Goodwin of Sacred Valley Acupuncture holds a community acupuncture clinic every Thursday 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Find Kerry through her website at
- Add kitchari to your diet. Kitchari is an easy-to-make and easy-to-digest complete meal, made with rice, yellow mung dal, spices, clarified butter and vegetables. Here is a link to a recipe to try.
- Be careful of detoxes while breastfeeding, if GI tract isn’t in good working order and able to get mobilized toxins out of the body, breast milk is where they go…and into your babe. Lots of fluids are important and exercise (sweating it out!).
- Drinking vegetarian broth has lots of gut healing compounds. Perhaps trying a miso soup or cooking a big batch at home to sip on during the week.
- Aloe vera juice
(small amounts, can act as a laxative if too much) can also help soothe and seal the gut.
- A few gentle detox foods: greens, green drinks, green smoothies.
One big thing to notice is stress. How we eat with little ones is often on the run, not sitting down and eating mindfully. This can lead to digestive upset because our bodies aren’t really focused on digesting, they’re focused on chasing after kiddos. Digestive bitters before meals can help, and doing your best to slow down while eating.
We hope this helps you find a path to a happy gut and restored digestive system!
The Homegrown Doulas